All posts filed under: About

About Me

As the website name might suggest, I’m an economist by trade, though I still think of myself as more of a student, or at least someone who thinks like one. But other than googling the latest economic research for fun I’m actually a pretty normal guy! I watch sports, spend hours on Netflix, make mean grilled cheese sandwiches, and spend every last nickel and dime I have on travel. I hate mornings, love warm winter clothes (I’m talking Canadian Winter), can’t keep up with the latest food trends (kale was so 2014), and am a proud supporter of Kanye2020. So there you have it, just another normal dude. I built this website not only to satisfy my craving for discussing economics, but to also share with others the often bizarre ways economic theory can be used to analyze the world around us. Economists are everywhere from investment banks to environmental non-profits, and the type of work can range from designing complex statistical models to making simple logical deductions from everyday observations. It’s what I love about it, and …