All posts filed under: Stats

Gender Equality

$12 trillion – the amount of global GDP growth that could be realized by 2025 if gender inequality were to lessen. That number jumps to $28 trillion if women were to achieve equal labour market status to men. That’s a decent amount of coin.

Private Sector Investment

50.9% – The share of total Canadian investment that comes from the private/corporate sector, the second lowest in the OECD behind Greece. For some comparisons to other G7 countries, the US is at 53.8%, the UK 57.4%, Germany 57.8%, and Japan 68.3%. It’d be nice if some of that private money was reinvested into the economy (i.e. JOBS FOR GRADUATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), but hey, those execs need their golden parachutes I guess.

City Rankings

1 – The ranking of the city of Toronto (pg 20) in the Economist Intelligence Unit overall city scores worldwide for 2015. Question their methodology all you want, but the reality is you’re just jealous!